Rooms Offers
05520 807 0

Your meeting and events inquiry

Please do not hesitate to contact us and inquiry about your next event. Our professional meeting and events team would be happy to assist and advise you and if requested would show you gladly around our hotel and meeting and events facilities.

Of course, you also have the opportunity to make your inquiry through the contact form.

Your contact:

Jana Schnitzer
Vera Richter
Meeting and Events
Meeting and Event Assistent
Tel.: +49 5520 807 431
Tel.: +49 5520 807 401
Fax: +49 5520 807 490
Fax: +49 5520 807 490

We ask you to fill in the fields marked with *. Thank you!

Enquire with no obligation to:

Information about the conference

Information on accommodation

We ask you to fill in the fields marked with *. Thank you!